Micro thong swimsuit
Male form swimsuit made in the USA

Wearing a Sexy Spandex Men's Swimsuit

I love wearing my new spandex men's swimsuit but I wish I could get away with wearing it out on the beach. I have seen some really great swimwear designs being worn by some hot guys on the beach lately, but none of them come close to the design I just bought. While I have no problems wearing some of the other spandex designs that I have seen, I am pretty sure that I would not be welcomed wearing this new one I bought. This new design shows off a bit too much of my body for most people in public to find acceptable.

I know this because I specifically bought the first spandex men's swimsuit I could find that did not hide anything from the imagination. I want to be able to walk down the beach and have people look at me and just know what it would be like to be seen naked. Too bad there are so many prudish people in this world that do not enjoy seeing guys wearing things like this. I know I would love to see more guys walking around in a swimsuit like I bought. In fact, I would pay a high price to be a part of one of those private beach clubs if I could wear something like this out there. There are also those clothing optional beaches that I could give a try.

I am sure that there will come a time when wearing a spandex men's swimsuit of this nature will be acceptable by everyone but that time just is not getting here soon enough for me. I get so tired of wearing things around the house all the time because stuck up assholes out in public can't handle seeing a bit of sexiness walking around in front of them. These are the same people that bitch about nude statues or paintings hanging in galleries and things of that nature. They do their absolute best to get things like this taken down while not realizing that art is everywhere and sometimes you just have to stop and enjoy it. I suppose that people have forgotten that nudity has always been considered art especially many centuries ago.

Living My Life the I want in a Spandex Men's Swimsuit

There is something very special about wearing a spandex men's swimsuit out on the beach for me. Some people go to great lengths to reach a kind of enlightenment by visiting shrines and holy men all over the world. Some try to reconnect with nature in strange and mysterious ways. I choose to don some of the sexiest swimwear ever made and go out in the sun to relax. I may not be spiritually enlightened by common standards, but I feel like I am gaining some kind of insight into the person that I truly am. That is something I really enjoy and need in my life right now.

Now I know that there are guys out there that are wearing spandex men's swimsuit designs just because they are fun, and I do not have a problem with that. Obviously, it is none of my business. I started wearing mine because I thought they were fun to look at too so I can understand that. But something happened to me along the way that made me realize they were so much more than just another item of clothing to wear to the beach. It was something that made me realize that wearing something like this could have a profound effect on my life, which is exactly what they did.

You may think that I am taking this way beyond what should be considered normal and that may be true. But wearing a spandex mens swimsuit has shown me that I am much more than what I believed I was. I am a better person for wearing these items and I feel more relaxed and calm than I ever have in the past. I am still not sure why I feel this way but, once I noticed this feeling; I gave into it right away. Now I live my life like there is no tomorrow and I could not be happier with it.

My Surprise Spandex Men's Swimsuit Gift

One of the greatest gifts that I have ever received from my partner was a spandex men's swimsuit that appeared to be just a little bit too small for me to wear. When I opened the present and saw this thing sitting in the box I was sure that there had been a mistake in the sizing department. I pulled it out and held t in my hand and knew for certain that I would never be able to get that tiny little thing on. I couldn’t imagine what size it was as it looked small enough to fit a large doll or something and I wasn’t sure if it was a gag gift or not.

My partner informed me that we were going to a beach for summer vacation and I was supposed to wear that when we got there. I knew then that it was a joke since we live in Ohio and there aren’t any beaches nearby. The next present I opened had plane tickets in it to the French coast and I was at a loss for words. I never expected to go to France nor did I ever expect to wear that tiny swimsuit.

My partner made me put that spandex men's swimsuit on shortly after I opened it to make sure it would fit properly. I laughed out loud because I knew it wasn’t going to fit. I am not a large man but I have enough size on me that I knew this thing wasn’t going to fit over one leg let alone both. The most amazing thing happened as I slipped into it though; it actually fit. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I looked into the mirror and saw that I was indeed wearing this tiny little swimsuit and it looked pretty good. Sure I might have to lose a pound or two before the trip but the swimsuit actually fit to my body perfectly. I never would have thought that putting on a swimsuit would actually bring tears of joy to my eyes but this one did. I still have that design, along with quite a few more, and I know now just how wrong I was to judge something without trying it on first.